Three Podcasts Friday - Three Branded Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

What companies are utilizing podcasts in the right way?

Well, we're here to tell you. Every Friday we'll feature three podcasts that are using this medium in creative ways. Take a listen and take notes!

Today's three are:

Hello Monday - Hello Monday is LinkedIn's podcast that puts a different twist on interviewing some of today's top names in enterprise companies and start-ups, alike. Instead of focusing on the rise to the top, it explores the moments of hardship, failure, and the nature of work at large.

Not only will you be inspired, but you'll learn to look at your work from an entirely new perspective.

Toyota Untold - Toyota Untold provides you with an inside look into the genius, innovation, and development of Toyota. As someone who isn't a car buff, but who loves innovation, I love this podcast because you truly get to be on the inside of a great company and learning more in-depth of what makes them great.

As a company leader, you'll walk away with some great takeaways...

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